In this chapter, we will try to solve Example G-2 from MathChapter G ("Numerical Methods") from McQuarrie & Simon. In addition to showing an example of the trapezoidal and Simpson's rule solutions. To do this, we will learn two new features of F90: suborutines/functions and if/then logical statements
Recall (p. 633 of McQ&S) that we are trying to solve the integral:
(1)For simplicity, I will only do the n=10 solution (comparing to the table in Example G-2), and leave the additional calculations as an exercise to the reader
Before we begin, it is always a good idea to take a look at the function by computing the values that we will use. This is a way for you to make sure that you have implemented the function correctly. We can do this with a few lines of code
program trapezoid0
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n=10
real :: u
integer :: i
do i=0,n
u = 3.0*i/n
write (*,*) u, integrand(u)
end do
function integrand(x) result (value)
implicit none
real :: x
real :: value
value = (x**4)*EXP(X)/((EXP(X)-1.0)**2)
end function integrand
end program trapezoid0
Let's take this in sections.
program trapezoid0
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n=10
real :: u
integer :: i
do i=0,n
u = 3.0*i/n
write (*,*) u, integrand(u)
end do
This is specified in the section below:
function integrand(x) result (value)
implicit none
real :: x
real :: value
value = (x**4)*EXP(X)/((EXP(X)-1.0)**2)
end function integrand
end program trapezoid0
Now, let's compile and run this program. Here's how I did it:
jschrier@ws7:~/pchem1/examples$ pgf90 -o trapezoid0.r trapezoid0.f90
jschrier@ws7:~/pchem1/examples$ ./trapezoid0.r
0.000000 NaN
0.3000000 8.9328051E-02
0.6000000 0.3493916
0.9000000 0.7574701
1.200000 1.278965
1.500000 1.871659
1.800000 2.490566
2.100000 3.092584
2.400000 3.640332
2.700000 4.104763
3.000000 4.466421
function integrand(x) result (value)
implicit none
real :: x
real :: value
if (x .lt. 0.00001) then
x = 0.00001
end if
value = (x**4)*EXP(X)/((EXP(X)-1.0)**2)
end function integrand
- Within an if (… ) then ….. end if block, we can have as many lines as wel like (e.g., here we just have a single line). These lines of code can call other subroutines/functions, contain do-loops, etc.
- Comparisons: We used ".lt.". But of course other numerical comparisons can be used. These are: .eq. , .ne. , .lt. , .le. , .gt. , .ge. . What do you think they mean?
Using the code above, I changed the name of the program to trapezoid1, and compiled/ran it as follows:
jschrier@ws7:~/pchem1/examples$ pgf90 -o trapezoid1.r trapezoid1.f90
jschrier@ws7:~/pchem1/examples$ ./trapezoid1.r
0.000000 9.9729933E-11
0.3000000 8.9328051E-02
0.6000000 0.3493916
0.9000000 0.7574701
1.200000 1.278965
1.500000 1.871659
1.800000 2.490566
2.100000 3.092584
2.400000 3.640332
2.700000 4.104763
3.000000 4.466421
Mission Accomplished! We have fixed the divide-by-zero problem.
Trapezoid rule integration:
With a little modification, we can use this to evaluate the integral using the trapezoid rule, described on p.631 in McQuarrie and Simon. All we have done is insert a line to call a subroutine, and specified what that subroutine does.
program trapezoid2
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n=10
real :: u
integer :: i
do i=0,n
u = 3.0*i/n
write (*,*) u, integrand(u)
end do
call trapezoid_integration(n,3.0)
subroutine trapezoid_integration(n,end_val)
implicit none
integer :: n
real :: end_val
real :: integral,u,h
integer :: i
integral = 0.0
do i=0,n
u = (end_val*i)/n
! implement Eqn G.4
if ((i.eq.0).or.(i.eq.n)) then
integral = integral+integrand(u)
integral = integral+(2.0*integrand(u))
end if
end do
integral = (h/2.0)*integral
write (*,*) '#trapezoidal integration = ',integral
end subroutine trapezoid_integration
function integrand(x) result (value)
implicit none
real :: x
real :: value
if (x .lt. 0.00001) then
x = 0.00001
end if
value = (x**4)*EXP(X)/((EXP(X)-1.0)**2)
end function integrand
end program trapezoid2
What have we done?
call trapezoid_integration(n,3.0)
subroutine trapezoid_integration(n,end_val)
subroutine trapezoid_integration(n,end_val)
implicit none
integer :: n
real :: end_val
real :: integral,u,h
integer :: i
integral = 0.0
do i=0,n
u = (end_val*i)/n
! implement Eqn G.4
if ((i.eq.0).or.(i.eq.n)) then
integral = integral+integrand(u)
integral = integral+(2.0*integrand(u))
end if
end do
integral = (h/2.0)*integral
write (*,*) '#trapezoidal integration = ',integral
end subroutine trapezoid_integration
If the lower limit of the integral isn't 0:
-Need to define start_val (along with end_val). When the starting value is 0, we don't need to define it.
-Need to define u as (i*(end_val-start_val))/n + start_val
-Need to define h as (end_val-start_val)/n
Simpson's rule integration
From the discussion above, it should now be obvious to you how to implement Simpson's rule, as discussed on p.632 of McQuarrie & Simon.
Finally, I'll show you another approach which is not in the textbook…Monte Carlo integration